Emergency tent camps used to house people made homeless by Hurricane Luis and the destruction of Cité Popo.
Theme: Hurricanes
Men Rebuilding Cité Popo
Using what materials were available, two residents of Cité Popo do what they can to rebuild their neighborhood after the damage done by Hurricane Luis. September 8, 1995
Mr. Marcelin’s letter to his lawyers (back)
Mr. Marcelin’s letter to his lawyers (back). October 31, 1995
Mr. Marcelin’s letter to his lawyers (front)
Mr. Marcelin penned a letter to his lawyers regarding the destruction of his house by the French government. October 31, 1995
Lawyers inspecting burnt houses owned by Haitian nationals
Following Hurricane Luis, the houses of foreigners were burned by the French government and the Saint-Martin city hall. An investigation was led by a number of French activist organizations that led to lawsuits against the government and the town hall. December 7, 1995
Mr. Marcelin standing by his house
Mr. Marcelin standing by his house that was burnt down by the French government on October 9, 1995. December 5, 1995
Coralita Hotel Wasteland, Oyster Pond
Coralita Hotel sits abandoned ever since Hurricane Luis. It is one of the seven hotel wastelands that never recovered from Hurricane Luis (1995) and Hurricane Lenny (1999).
Mr. Marcelin’s Portrait
Portrait of Mr. Marcelin, whose property was burnt down by the French government on October 9, 1995. Mr. Marcelin filed a lawsuit against the French government following the destruction of his house. December 5, 1995
Mr. Marcelin’s house set on fire by the city hall
Following Hurricane Luis, the city hall of Saint-Martin and the French government illegally set a number of Haitian nationals’ homes on fire to make them leave the island. October 9, 1995
“Tenth Station of the Cross” Church of Marigot
Multimedia by François de Caunes, 30 x 50. The montage reads “They stripped him of his clothes and share them” François de Caunes, “To the undocumented migrants of Cité Popo, razed down on September 22, 1995” inspired by the Gospel of John 19:23-24
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